miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Answers practising grammar + Story: Finding a Cure

Welcome Wednesday! 😃🌈
Let's go with something lighter for today. THE STORY OF THE UNIT. It's somehow related with the world situation: finding a cure.💉

- But first, click here to get yesterday exercise answers: ANSWERS

As you know most of pupil's book stories are based on a true story. Well, today's story is related to this woman, I know you could guess who is she by the end of reading. 
For a better understandin of the Story I would recomend watching the following video:What is insuline? It is an hormone which helps cells to get energy to work (If you dont have insuline you are tired all the time and your muscles and organs don't work properly)

Pupil's Book
- Pg. 75 Ex. 1 (don't need to answer on your book, but try to answer them)
- Pg. 75 Ex. 2 Listen the story, click here: LISTENING
- Pg. 75 Ex. 2 Read the story and find out the words you don't understand.

Activity Book
- Pg. 72 Ex. 1
- Pg. 72 Ex. 2 (click here to get the listening: LISTENING)
- Pg. 72 Ex. 3 (explain the reason why do you like it or not, because...)
- Pg. 72 Ex. 4

We are learning many things about countries through each topic, let's find out Canada's curiosities 👉

In case you don't have the book pages, finde them here: BOOK PAGES

4 comentarios:

  1. Respuestas
    1. Hi Verónica, you are right, it is a difficult concept. I have changed the post and now you cand find the deffinition of insuline and a video to help everybody to understand the text better. Hope it works!

  2. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
