miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Answers Review Part 2 + Shortfilm (Man 2020)


Good morning to everyone! 😀

-First of all I want you to check and correct yesterday exercises, click here: ANSWERS

"Last week, I was surfing the internet and I found a new video which Steve Cutts has released. Do you remember the video of MAN on which we were working at the beginning of the year? Well, things have changed."

Today I would like you to watch it and answer some following questions on your notebook; the answers are not online, you need to think and reflect to answer... and there is not a right or wrong answer.

1 Why is MAN at home?
2 How is the atmosphere outside? relaxed, stressful?

3 Name some aspects in which nature has improved during this lockdown period?

4 Do you think this lockdown has been enough to let nature recover all the damage humans have made to Earth?
5 What things would we need to do to keep our planet and nature healthy?

6 (Answer this question on the comments below, I want to share your answers) Do you think that THINGS are going to change after the lockdown or we are going to make the same mistakes that MAN made in the past? Are you positive or negative about the future? Why?

Please anwer the last question (number 6) on the comments below, if you don't know how to post a comment send me an email and I will post it for you 👏.

31 comentarios:

  1. We must be realistic, when the quarentine finish te humans contaminate more we está more. I think that we going to do the video of "MAN".They say you have be positive ,but un this situation i am negative

    1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    2. Thank you for your reflection Gabriel! In my opinion the way to improve globaly is to act individually as best as we could, don't you agree?

  2. No because there going to be the same

  3. I Luis Vozmediano and bathing go Cho change °_°

    1. Hi Luis, don't you think we could think about how to change things? What do you suggest?

  4. Hello im Jorge. I think people do the things like before the CORONAVIROUS and don't progress a lot.
    I am positive in some things.
    Im not positive in some things because people is now contaminación.

  5. Roman 5ºA: I think that things are going to change because the quarenteen it’s affecting to me and all people in the good way because make the people think about the nature.

  6. Hello everyone, this is Camille. What an interesting question to ask Jorge! I think this situation has made more people aware of what needs to change and why, however, I think as humans people don't like to change. So after we are able to resume our lives, I think it will be quite a few years before we see any immediate change for the better. But we have to keep hope and don't give up!

    1. Hi Camille, thank you for your comment, I coudn't be more agree with you. Never give up! 💪

  7. I think that things will change because this lockdown has made people to reflect. But it´s depending on each person because if one person did something very bad, in the future will not do the things better.
    Javier L. M. 5ºB

    1. Hi Javier, I share your words, every single person could take their his/her own decisions.

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. I believe that everything will change and will return to be like the beginning (like good things), i hope it is so.. :)

    1. This is sad... but, you could think about what to do to avoid that harmful acitivities for the nature. At the end it is depending on every single person as Javier said.

  10. Hi!! Im Jara , here is me answer :
    I think that a lot of people will change but , unfortunately de hace to be realistics , Potter people will continué domingo this horrible things. 😑😪😪😪😪
    A big big kisssss 👍❤👍

    1. Hi Jara, I understando your point of view but I would like you to think how to act and what to do to start changing things.

  11. Perdón el corrector me ha cambiado algunas palabras 😑

  12. Josue 5ºB: I think that after this, we will take better care of the environment because if we are not focus on int, we would not be able to live and we would not have living plants and nothing else.

    1. You are very right Jorge because after this pandemic it has made us think that we have to take care of the environment so that our planet is better.

  13. Our teacher Malia, writes an interesting lines in relation to the video; read it and think about if you have hope like her or not...
    Hello everyone this is Malia! What a great video! I think it does a great job of highlighting the positive impacts on the environment during this otherwise hard time. The trees and plants are growing, the animals are running happy and free and the smog is disappearing. It shows humans inside and sick and outside the planet is growing and healing. It sadly ends with the man coming outdoors again and squishing the bug, which makes me think things will not change after lockdown. I believe humans have been afraid since lockdown started and that fear is going to prevent us from immediately recognizing the positive environmental impact of the quarantine. Hopefully, as time goes on us humans can recognize we still need to be conscious of the environment as we socialize and life gets back to normal. I'm positive that the future can bring change, especially with such bright environmentally conscious kids like you guys! I have hope!

  14. Hi!I'm Sara and this is my answer😊:
    I think most of the population is going to take care of the Earth because many people are thinking about it😄,but some people are not because they are more selfish 😭.However,this is going to be a good opportunity for us as a unit to try to maintain these good habits that we've learnd during lockdown period and look after our only home called Earth😄.🌎

    1. Hello Sara, what a great answer! I completely share your idea about we all have one-only house: EARTH!

  15. Hello Jorge!! I'm sorry for not having answered you earlier.
    I think that things are going to change after the lookdown. I'm positive about the future because if we all do it, it will be better.
    Have a good weekend!!

    1. Thank you for your comment! I hope as you say we all do it better!

  16. I think after this lockdown people will change but only some of them because if they do not respect the rules of nuture we Will remain the same

    1. Hi Khali, it's great to read you! I love your words when you say that we should "respect the rules of nature"! I wish everybody follows that rules.
