lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020

Answers Review + Listening


Happy Monday to everyone, how are you doing?
I hope you had a great weakend and could enjoy some leisure activites such us: 🏃,🎯,🎭,🎈,🏀,🎨,🏉...

Today I would like you to check anwers about last review exercises and do some listening activities to finish Topic 7. 

- Click here to check answers: ANSWERS

Go to page 80 of your Pupil's Book and...

- On exercise 1 look at the pictures and try to describe what are people doing and WHY do you think they are doing these things. 
- Pg. 80 Ex. 2 (Click here to get the audio: LISTENING)
- Pg. 80 Ex. 3 (Same audio of ex. 2)

"Easy right? Open your hears and go ahead!👂🙌"

In case you don't have the book, click here to get the pages you need to work today: BOOK PAGES

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