miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2020

Past Participle Irregular Verbs Day 2

Welcome to the Wednesday, 😗!

This is going to be the second day of reviewing past participle irregular verbs. Tomorrow we will do an online quiz about them. So I encouraged you to work hard today.

I hope you liked the links we used to review them, today we will follow the same method, here we go 💛:

- Review again the verb list you have on your Pasamonte's Agenda (Pg. 45 and 46)

- Use that link to learn third list verbs (when you finish, clik "check" and copy them on your notebook with the correct form; write: present, past, participle): LINK 3

- Use that link to learn the fourth (last one) verbs list (when you finish, clik "check" and copy them on your notebook with the correct form; write: present, past, participle): LINK 4

- Now, practice the verbs you have learnt here (you can add the new ones to your list)
Practice 3 with this quiz: quiz 3 💯
Practice 4 with this quiz: quiz 4 💯

🌈Go ahead! You all are doing great, I know it!🌈

2 comentarios:

  1. También se puede decir "Have you already bought the ballons? En vez de "Have You bought the ballons yet?

    I am Gabriel Sanz

  2. Buenos días Jorge,

    Soy Mª Ángeles la madre de Gabriel, ¿podría hablar contigo por teléfono?, es referente al Test de verbos.

    Si no tienes mi número, que te lo facilite Pilar, es por no ponerlo en el blog.

    Un abrazo
