lunes, 15 de junio de 2020

Answers Types of Business & Organization + Costs of Running a business


Welcome again to Social Science 🔔!

I hope you had a great weekend and be ready for the last week of the academic year... 😎.

- Here you could find friday answers about the activity book exercise; the answers of the questions on the BLOG can't be right or wrong. Click here to get answers: ANSWERS
"Imagine we want to open a business and we already know what type of business it is. Next step should be to think about the possible costs... That is the topic for today!"
Today's lesson is quite simple too 👌. I want you to read carefully pages 96 and 97 on your pupil's book and pay close attention to the different costs that any business have:
     1 Start-up costs
     2 Ongoing costs
     3 Variable costs

Let's do now a couple of exercises 📝⏰:

Pupil's Book
Pg. 97 Ex. 2 (Do your best, write some sentences giving reasons)
Activity Book
Pg. 33 Ex. 4

In case you don't have the book, click here to get them:
- Pupil's Book Social Science Unit 6
- Activity Book Social Science Unit 6

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