lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

Grammar lesson (answers) + Culture around the world lesson


Good Morning! How was the weekend? I hope you are fine, following the BLOGS and helping at home.

In the following link you have the answers of the grammar exercises of topic 6: ANSWERS

After checking your answers you must work on our "Culture around the world" lesson. You have a couple of days, to check anwers and complete the following exercises.
Pupil's Book
- Pg. 63 Ex. 1 (Comple it in your notebook trying to write L O N G answers)
- Listen to the story, here is the link: audio file
- Read the story a couple of times. 
- Write down the words you dont understand and post a comment on the blog. 
Activity Book
- Pg. 60 Ex. 1 
- Pg. 60 Ex. 2 Here is the audio: audio file
- Pg. 60 Ex. 3 (remember to provide a long aswer using the word BECAUSE
- Pg. 60 Ex. 4 

Here you can find the PDF with the pages of the books: PDF pages

On Wednesday I'll post the answers and we keep working with other activities. If you have any dobut, please give me a comment or send me an email:

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