lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Answers introduction + Grammar 1 (Yet + Already)

We are doing it well! Ok, grammar lesson today is ... EASY PEASY 💂

- But first, find the answers related to the previous lesson here: ANSWERS

We still working with PRESENT PERFECT, if you have some doubts you should watch again the video and play the game I posted, click here: PRESENT PERFECT REVIEW


Pupils Book
- Read the text on page 74.
- Pg. 74 Ex. 2
- Take a close look at grammar wall exercise 3, look where already and yet are placed!
- Pg. 74 Ex. 4 (Copy the sentences on your notebook)
- Play this game about yet and already: GAME

Activity Book
- Pg. 71 Ex. 1 + 2

NOTE: this tip could help you to understand the lesson better: (you can write it down in your notebook if you want)

In case you don't have the books click here: BOOK PAGES

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