Here we go again! 🔔
- Here you cound find the answers related to yesterday exercises about Europe population: ANSWERS
1- Take a look on page 62 of your book and answer the following questions:
a) How many people is living in Spain?
b) From the begining of XX Century until now, is the population decreasing or increasing?
c) How is life expectancy in comparison with Europe? higher or lower?
d) 100 years ago, life expectancy was around 40 years old, nowadays is much much higher. Name some reasons (try to find more out of our book)
2- This picture shows Spain at night from the Space; take a close look and answer the questions below:
a) You could find the two biggest cities on the map, which ones are them?
b) Where is living more people: hinterland or on the coast?
c) Around 80% of the population is living in urban areas. It means around 20% live in rural areas. How could you explain it? (the answer is not on the book, I want you to think)
I'm receiving many emails with your daily work, you are doing great and I'm proud of you! This is the way! 🌈🌈🌈
In case you don't have the book pages, this is the link: BOOK PAGES
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