miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

New Topic 4: Population

We start a Social Science new topic together: TOPIC 6 POPULATION

In this topic we will focus on the main factors to understand population. I will encourage you to read and work on the most important facts of the topic. This topic also will help you for a better understanding of the actual world situation.

Today, would like you to take a look to the introduction of the topic and answer carefully a couple of questions.

- First of all it is important to understand perfectly these two concepts: Immigration and Emigration. Look at the picture:

- As you can see, it depends on the point of view. Please, take a look to the video to reinfoce both contents.

- Take your Social Science Notebook and write the title of the new topic: POPULATION, draw a picture if you want.
- Pg. 55 Ex. 3 + 4
- Copy this exercise on your notebook and complete questions:

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