jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

Answers Light Activity Book + Reflection & Refraction


Good moring everyone!

I hope you are doing well and be ready to lear about two weird (but easy to understand) words: ✨REFLECTION AND REFRACTION✨.

- First, you should check yesterday exercises; click here to get answers: ANSWERS

Perfect, this is the work for today; follow my steps and it is going to be very easy.

1 Read Pg. 72 of your pupil's book. Then answer these couple of questions on your notebook:
a) How are reflection and refraction used in astronomy or science?
b) What is a telescope? Search online for information and write a short paragraph.

To extend knowledge and clarify some concepts we have prepared a edpuzzle quiz. It is a fun video in which you need to answer some questions while watching. Go ahead! We hope you like it. Click here: EDPUZZLE

- Pg. 28 Ex. 5 + 6 + 7

Anything you need, you know I'm available via email: theteacherjorge@gmail.com. If you need I could also give you a call. 👷

In case you don't have the books, click here to work today: BOOK PAGES

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