jueves, 14 de mayo de 2020

Introduction Social Science Topic 5: Economy

Here we go again!

We return to Social Science to study and learn about ECONOMY... but, what is it?

As every new topic you should create a title on your notebook and draw a picture related to it; then I would like you to read and copy the following definition on your notebook. 
"Economy is part of social science concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. It studies how individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make choices to satisfy their needs and wants."

Now it's time to reflect and work on the introduction of the topic, follow my steps:
- Pg. 75 Ex. 2 + 4
- Pg. 76 Ex. 2 + 4

This is all from now on, I hope you have a nice long weekend again! 😍😎

In case you don't have the books you could find the whole Unit here (click to get it)

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