miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Answers Passive 2 + Passive 3

Hello "Passivers"! 😂 

"We are working hard to understand passive voice and are managing it! 👏👏👏 I undestarnd is not the most joyful part of the topic but it is very useful to have a good english level. Do not give up!"

This is the last day of passive voice, let's do it!

- Find here yesterday answers:

- If you want, you can repeat again yesterday online activities:

Pupil's Book
- Look at the chart on page 86, exercise 2 (It is also on top o the post)
- Pg. 86 Ex. 3 (Super easy)
Activity Book
- Pg. 83 Ex. 1 + 2

In case you don't have the books you could find the whole Unit here (click to get it)
- Pupil's Book Unit 8
- Activity Book Unit 8

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