martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

Answers Tertiary Sector 1 + Tertiary Sector 2


Hello guys! Let's finish today tertiary sector 💪!

- First of all, find yesterday answers here: ANSWERS

- Then, read carefully page 83 of your activity book and anwer my following questions about it:

1. What percentage of people is working on the tertiary sector in Spain?
2. Which type of tourism do you prefer? Why? (I want reasons and a long explanation)
3. Spain has around 50 million people and every year around 80 million tourists visit Spain. This is a lot. Which country provides more tourists? 
4. What are tourists  looking from Spain, why do they come here?
5. Do you think it is good to base the economy of a country tourism? Why?

*Some of the questions are not on your book, yoy need to THINK about it, sometimes there are not good or wrong answers, however you ALWAYS need to explain your point of view with reasons and arguments*

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