martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Answers Primary Sector 1 + Primary Sector 2

Hello farmers, fishermans and fisherwomans, miners and forests! 😂

Here we are again with new activities about primary sector. 

- First of all, click here to get yesterday answers and work on the with a red pen to tick, correct, change, add... ANSWERS

Malia has prepared a short Edpuzzle video about primary sector with a few questions, click to do it: 

Now, go to your page 79 on your pupil's book, read it carefully, look at the map and anwer my following questions.
1. In the past 60% of active population worked in primary sector, what is the percentage nowadays?
2. Is there fishing activity in Spain? Why?
3. In which regions could we find oranges?
4. We used olive tries mainly for__________. This product is very well appreciated for cooking. Spain export many of it.
5. In which region could we find bananas?

6. In which three regions could we find iron?

In case you don't have the books you could find the whole Unit here (click to get it)

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