miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2020

Answers Vocabulary + Short Reading

Good morning everyone, 👨!

Today we are going to review yesterday exercises and work on the short text of page 83 of Your pupil's Book. Let's go! 💪

- First, find answers here: ANSWERS

- Now, read exercise 5 of page 83 (Pupil's Book) and answer the following questions; do not forget to read Kana's message.
1. What does Kana think about recycling in her city, easy or difficult? Is it strict or flexible?
2. What kind of bags should they use to recicle?
3. Which day should you put rubbish out if you have a bag full of bottle tops?
4. Is it correct to put the rubish around 10 am? 
5. Kana has different rubbish containers in the street in her city, how is in your city? Have you got different rubbish containers too?
6. Which kind of rubbish do you recicle at home? Do you think you could recicle more?

7. What append if you want to recicle your fridge? Can you leafe it at the street?
8. What kind of rubbish do you think we produce more?

Go for it! 💨

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