lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Tertiary Sector 1

Good morning everyone! 🌞

We are here again to keep working on Social Science; this week we will finish the topic with your help and work. Let's go for it!

If you didn't complete the Kahoot! about primrary and secondary sector... it is high time to do it now:

Today we are going to focus on the Tertiary Sector; what does it mean? what kind of activities does it include? 👀

Follow my steps to work on it and lear about it 👌:

- Read and copy the definition on your notebook:

- Read carefully page 82 of your pupil's book
Pupil's Book:
- Pg. 83 Ex. 2
Activity Book:
- Pg. 27 Ex. 5
- Pg. 29 Ex. 8

Easy work today! Go ahead!

In case you don't have the books you could find the whole Unit here (click to get it)

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