martes, 26 de mayo de 2020

Answers Passive 1 + Passive 2


Good morning everybody, 💚!

Passive voice is not easy, that is why today is even more important than other days to CHECK and CORRECT yesterday exercises, 📝✔✖. Click here: ANSWERS 

After that, today we will keep working on passive voice combining online exercises + quiz + activity book exercises. Follow this steps:

- Watch the video we posted yesterday again; remember that active is the normal sentences we use and passive is the new grammar form.

- Look and copy these 2 sentences on your notebook; the first one is active and the sencond passive. The title could be: Active Vs Passive

- Look again the yesterday box and take a CLOSE look at the sentences; pay attention where the subject is placed in each sentence:

- Activity Book Pg. 109 Ex. 1
- Click the link and play the game to practise passive voice: GAME 💻
- Click this other link to complete 10 questions in which you need to say if the sentence is passive or active: QUIZ 💫

In case you don't have the books you could find the whole Unit here (click to get it)
- Pupil's Book Unit 8
- Activity Book Unit 8

1 comentario:

  1. Gloria María Arias Arias26 de mayo de 2020, 15:42

    Hello Jorge!!! I can't play the game because we don't have internet. But I do the quiz.
