Hello and good morning to everybody!
Here you can find answers about yesterday grammar exercises and new work for today (READING)
- Click here to get yesterday exercises answers: ANSWERS
Now, it is time to focus on reading. Please follow my steps to complete the lesson successfully: 📜
- What is a leaflet? Read:
Pupil's Book
- Pg. 78 Ex. 1
- Read the whole leaflet on pg. 78. (Read it at least twice)
- Write down and look up the words you don't understand.
- Pg. 78 Ex. 3
Activity book
- Pg. 75 Ex. 1- Pg. 75 Ex. 2
- Pg. 75 Ex. 3 (Click here to get the audio: LISTENING)
"I think it is a very interesting topic and will help us to reflect how could we help eachother, especially nowadays."
In case you don't have the books, please click here to get the pages you need to work today: BOOK PAGES
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