lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Natural Science New Topic 5:

New week and new topic!

I wish you had a great LONG WEAKEND, I finally could go out and do some outdoor activities 😍.
I have received many emails and I haven't answered them yet... I'm sorry, I needed to swich off for a while to recover strength. I promise to post all your works during the day 😔.

Natural Science Topic 5 will teach us about LIGHT and HEAT. It is an easy and short topic. We will learn it together during the week. Let's start! 

Today we intruduce the topic and will try to answers some questions to reflect and think about concepts of the topic. Use your Pupil's Book 

- Pg. 67 Ex. 1 + 2 + 4
- Pg. 68 Ex. 1 + 2 + 3

They are easy exercises, I'm sure you can do them easily. We will post answers and new work tomorrow! You are doing great! 👌

In case you don't have the book, click here: BOOK PAGES

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